• Indian
  • Foreign Direct
  • Foreign Indirect


NAVA operates the following projects

Nava Bharat Projects Ltd (NBPL)

A wholly owned subsidiary, NBPL provides project management services and is engaged in the trade and export of goods and equipment.

Nava Bharat Energy India Limited (NBEIL)

A step down, wholly owned subsidiary, with 26 percent of equity directly held by Nava Bharat and 74 percent held through NBPL. NBEIL operates our 150 MW independent power plant in Telangana on a merchant basis.

Brahmani Infratech Pvt Ltd

A partially owned subsidiary, with Nava Limited holding 86.53 percent of equity, Brahmani Infratech invests in urban lands and infrastructure development.


Nava Bharat (Singapore) Pte Ltd (NBS)

NBS is Nava’s intermediate holding company for overseas investments in power generation and coal mining. NBS holds 65 percent of equity in Maamba Energy Ltd, one of Nava’s foreign step down subsidiaries.

Nava Energy Pte Ltd

Nava Energy provides Operation and Maintenance (O&M) services for power plants. Nava Energy currently provides off-shore O&M services to Nava’s 300 MW Maamba power plant. It holds 100% equity in Nava Energy Zambia Ltd.

Nava Healthcare Pte Ltd

Nava Healthcare is Nava’s intermediate holding company for overseas investments in emerging opportunities. Nava Healthcare holds 100 percent of equity in Compai Pharma Pte Ltd and The Iron Suites Pte Ltd which are into healthcare sector with the business of medical distribution and clinics.

Nava Resources Cote d’Ivoire

Nava Resources is a 100% subsidiary of Nava with exploration permit for a Manganese ore concession spread over ~65 sq kms in Cote d’Ivoire, a Western African nation. Geological survey, exploration and technical studies are nearing completion, following which Nava Resources will pursue exploitation permit for Manganese ore mining. The backward integration of Manganese ore mine will provide good economic value addition and cost advantage.

Nava Agro Pte Ltd

Nava Agro is Nava’s intermediate holding company for overseas investments in commercial agricultural projects. Nava Agro holds 100 percent of equity in Kawambwa Sugar Ltd., one of Nava Bharat’s foreign step down subsidiaries.


Nava Bharat (Singapore) Pte Ltd (NBS)

NBS is Nava Bharat’s intermediate holding company for overseas investments in power generation and coal mining. NBS holds 65 percent of equity in Maamba Collieries Ltd, one of Nava Bharat’s foreign step down subsidiaries.

Nava Energy Pte Ltd

Nava Energy provides Operation and Maintenance (O&M) services for power plants. Nava Energy currently provides off-shore O&M services to Nava’s 300 MW Maamba power plant. It holds 100% equity in Nava Energy Zambia Ltd.

Nava Holding Pte Ltd

Nava Holding is Nava’s intermediate holding company for overseas investments in emerging opportunities. Nava Holding holds 65 percent of equity in TIASH Pte Ltd, one of Nava’s foreign step down subsidiaries into healthcare sector.

Nava Resources Cote d’Ivoire

Nava Resources is a 100% subsidiary of Nava with exploration permit for a Manganese ore concession spread over ~65 sq kms in Cote d’Ivoire, a Western African nation. Geological survey, exploration and technical studies are nearing completion, following which Nava Resources will pursue exploitation permit for Manganese ore mining. The backward integration of Manganese ore mine will provide good economic value addition and cost advantage.

Nava Agro Pte Ltd

Nava Agro is Nava Bharat’s intermediate holding company for overseas investments in commercial agricultural projects. Nava Agro holds 100 percent of equity in Kawambwa Sugar Ltd., one of Nava Bharat’s foreign step down subsidiaries.


Maamba Energy Ltd (MEL)

A step down subsidiary incorporated in Zambia, with NBS holding 65 percent of equity and the remaining held by ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc. Maamba Energy owns the largest coal concession in Zambia, and has established a 300 MW coal-fired power plant in that country with a net capital outlay of USD 843 million.

Nava Energy Zambia Ltd (NEZL)

A step down subsidiary incorporated in Zambia, NEZ is entirely owned by Nava Energy and provides on-shore O&M services.

Nava Avocado Ltd

A step down subsidiary incorporated in Zambia, Nava Avocado has set up a multi-product agricultural produce unit at Luena farm block, in Luapula province, Zambia. Nava Avocado has been granted a 99-year lease on 10,000 hectares of land by the Government of Zambia and presently developing Avocado plantation in 1100 Ha.

Compai Pharma Pte Ltd

A step-down subsidiary with operations in Singapore and Malaysia operates in the healthcare services sector. The Company is into distribution of pharmaceutical, medical and lifestyle products with focus on women health and oncology.